Can I Paint My Inwall Speakers?

Can I Paint My Inwall Speakers?

Yes, you can. The whole point of having inwall speakers is to conceal their presence. Inwall speakers are designed to be airbrushed with the same wall paint color you use on your wall. For best results please follow these steps:
  • Sand the speaker grills for optimal results. Priming is optional.
  • Remove the fabric backing of the grill. You can choose to reinstall it after painting but it is usually not needed.
  • Dilute the paint as much as the manufacturer allows.
  • Airbrush/spray the surface. Inexpensive hobby airbrush sprayers work great for these small projects.  Visit hobby shops, art suppliers, or auto body suppliers for your airbrushing needs. Oddly enough, Harbor Freight stores carry them as well.
  • Do several light coats (over 5 coats). A lighter coat will dry fast.
  • With each coat, spray from a different angle to get all the tiny inner edges.
  • Tiny holes can clog with paint. You can use an air compressor or a can of compressed air to unclog the holes while the paint is still wet.
Now, you may be wondering what if you choose to change your wall paint down the road? How do you get the grills off and paint then another color? The answer is that we've had some luck using a paint remover but it's tedious. The grills are removable. Some brands offer grills for resale, but there's a risk of going through obsolescence.
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