Speaker selector for whole house audio
You can do either. The advantage of the speaker selector and standard volume controls is that when you unselect a speaker area at the selector, that pair is taken out of the circuit completely allowing power to flow to the other areas that are on.
When you use impedance matching volume controls only, if they are turned off, they are still in the circuit and the control is absorbing the power, dissipating it as a low grade heat.
As for speaker recommendations, take a look at these.
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Am building a new home and am planning on installing in-wall stereo speakers in den (2), living room (2), and bedroom (2) for a total of six speakers all wired back to a common point where the receiver-amplifier will be located.
Do I need a speaker selector (for 6 speakers) or can I obtain adequate control by installing volume controls in each of the rooms where the speakers will be located?
Can you recommend speakers? My wife and I enjoy "easy listening" music.
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